10 STEPS TOWARDS HEALTHY FEET(स्वस्थ पैर की दिशा में 10 कदम)


1.    MAKE SURE THAT YOU ATTEND YOUR ANNUAL FOOT REVIEW (For 12 years old +) where your bare feet will be examined by an appropriately trained person.
2.    KNOW YOUR RISK At the end of your annual foot review, you should be told your risk of developing foot problems and if you will be referred.

3.    ARE YOUR FEET AT INCREASED OR HIGH RISK? If so, make sure you been referred to a specialist for expert advice.
4.    CHECK YOUR FEET EVERY DAY for any signs of redness, pain, damage to the skin, swelling or build up of hard skin. Look for any changes in the shape of your feet.

      5.    BE AWARE OF ANY LOSS OF SENSATION IN YOUR FEET Don’t go barefoot and avoid                extremes of temperature if you think you have lost feeling in any part of your feet.

6.    TOUCH THE TOES TEST Ask a family member or friend to assess the feeling in your toes by doing a quick, easy test at home.
7.    LOOK AFTER YOUR TOENAILS Don’t cut down the sides of your nail as this could lead to ingrowing toenails. If you have any difficulty with your foot-care, ask to be put in touch with your local podiatrist (chiropodist). 
8.    AVOID USING CORN REMOVING PLASTERS OR BLADES of any kind as these may damage your skin.
9.    ALWAYS WEAR WELL-FITTING SHOES that protect and support your feet and whenever possible don’t wear shoes with bare feet.
10.  MAINTAIN GOOD GLUCOSE CONTROL Good glucose control can prevent foot problems in the future by keeping the nerves and blood vessels that serve the feet healthy. 
10 STEPS TOWARDS HEALTHY FEET(स्वस्थ पैर की दिशा में 10 कदम) 10 STEPS TOWARDS HEALTHY FEET(स्वस्थ पैर की दिशा में 10 कदम) Reviewed by Unknown on 22:17 Rating: 5

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