Get dandruff-free hair with these home remedies, इन घरेलू उपचार के साथ रूसी से मुक्त बाल जाओ

The white flakes of dandruff are not only visible on your scalp but also fall on your clothes. This makes it all the more embarrassing. There are several shampoos out there in the market which promise to help get rid of dandruff and while some prove to be effective, there are others which yield no results. If you are tired of trying different shampoos and need a quick remedy to say goodbye to those pesky flakes, you can make use of aspirin for this purpose. You will need two tablets of aspirin. Crush them to make a fine powder and then mix this powder to your shampoo. Now wet your hair and lather it with this mixture. Let it stay for a minute or two and then rinse it away with water. You can use a mild shampoo to wash your hair again to make sure there is no powder left on your scalp. The reason aspirin helps eliminate dandruff is because it contains salicylates which is an active ingredient in most dandruff shampoos that contain salicylic acid. So, if you run out of your medicated shampoo, you can add aspirin to any normal shampoo and wash away dandruff with it. This handy remedy will help keep those white flakes away from your clothes as well as your scalp. 

Get dandruff-free hair with these home remedies, इन घरेलू उपचार के साथ रूसी से मुक्त बाल जाओ Get dandruff-free hair with these home remedies, इन घरेलू उपचार के साथ रूसी से मुक्त बाल जाओ Reviewed by Unknown on 05:25 Rating: 5

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