20 tips forHOW TO GET PINK LIPS NATURALLY, Best beauty tips for beautiful pink rose lips

  • Dryness causes dark and pigmented lips. Keep the lips moisturized with natural balms made from Natural Beeswax, Cadillac Wax, Glycerin, Almond Oil and Vitamin E.
  • Dry lips look dull and dark. Hydration makes the lips pinkish and gives a juicy look to them. Besides external hydration, internal hydration is important to keep the lips hydrated.
  • Scrub the lips with natural ingredients on a regular basis. Sugar and butter is the best scrub for lips.
  • Avoid dark color lipsticks as they can snatch the pinkish tinge from the lips. Some Lipsticks contain some sort of toxins that can harm the lips, hence always soft colors and branded lipstick.
  • Nicotine causes darkening and discoloration of lips, hence it is best to give up smoking to get pink and healthy lips.
  • Components of caffeine are known to blacken the lips so the consumption of tea and coffee must be limited.
  • Exposure to sun can also lead to darkening of the lips due to the presence of excess melanin. Protection from these harmful rays should be done by using natural balms.
  • Artificial cosmetics contain unhealthy chemicals that can harm the lips. Cosmetics containing She abutter, pomegranate seeds, beetroot etc. are safer.
  • Maintain a healthy diet that consists of a good amount of fruits and vegetables. Vitamin C naturally moisturizes the lips and reduces pigmentation.

  • Chlorinated water also causes pigmentation of the lips and so contact with chlorinated water.
  • Apply a layer of oil and leave it on for several hours. Leave it overnight for better results
  • Mix coconut oil and almond oil in equal quantity. Apply a coat of this on the lips and leave on overnight. This has to be done daily for at least two weeks for best results.
  • Massage lips: Prepare a mixture of 1/2 tsp. Glycerin, 1/2 tsp Castor oil with 1/2 tsp Lemon juice. Apply and leave overnight.
  • Apply cream from curds with saffron on your lips.
  • Take a toothbrush and rub on the lips slowly. This will wash out the dead skin cells from the outer surface of the lips. Use a soft bristled tooth brush for doing this.
  • You can also use ice cubes present in your refrigerator. Take the ice cubes in a thin cloth and apply it on the lips to get pink lips.
  • One more natural tip is use clove oil to massage on your lips. This gives pink lips.
  • Diet plays an important part in keeping the lips healthy… There are some vitamins which our not made by our body and absence of them results in development of laugh lines. Healthy and shiny lips can be maintained by including milk, butter, egg and green leafy vegetables in the diet. Regular massage on lips with lip cream will help in keeping the lips rosy pink. Uses of the homemade remedies are sure to help in the desired result of getting pink rosy lips.

  • 20 tips forHOW TO GET PINK LIPS NATURALLY, Best beauty tips for beautiful pink rose lips 20 tips forHOW TO GET PINK LIPS NATURALLY, Best beauty tips for beautiful pink rose lips Reviewed by Unknown on 08:13 Rating: 5

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