EATING FOR HEALTHY BABIES AND TODDLERS(स्वस्थ शिशुओं और toddlers के लिए भोजन)


A baby needs enough food to grow, develop, sleep, and be happy.
Caring for a baby is very rewarding, although there is always a
lot to do. Your baby depends on you for a healthy start in life.
These guidelines will help you choose healthy food for your
baby and toddler.

• Breast milk is best.
• If you are not breastfeeding, use an infant formula until baby is 12 months old.
• Give babies and toddlers plenty to drink.
• Start solid food when your baby is ready – at around 6 months old.
• Change the variety, texture and quantity of food as your baby grows.
• Healthy eating habits start early.
• Once your baby starts solids try to have some meals together as a family.
Family mealtimes are important for the learning and development of your
baby or toddler.

Breast milk is best
Breast milk is specially made for your baby and is all your baby needs until they
are around 6 months old. Breast milk:
• is the perfect food for your baby
• changes with your baby’s needs
• helps protect your baby against infection
• is cheap, safe, environmentally friendly and ready to use!
EATING FOR HEALTHY BABIES AND TODDLERS(स्वस्थ शिशुओं और toddlers के लिए भोजन) EATING FOR HEALTHY BABIES AND TODDLERS(स्वस्थ शिशुओं और toddlers के लिए भोजन) Reviewed by Unknown on 04:32 Rating: 5

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