Yoga for Eyes | Eye Exercises to Improve Eyesight Naturally, Exercising for Healthier Eyes

Exercise or physical activity is anything that gets you moving. There
are different kinds of exercise‐ aerobic, anaerobic and agility.

Eyeballs are held in their sockets by a set of six muscles attached to the
eyeball and anchored to the skull. These muscles don’t bulk up like
your arms or legs so there is no need to perform anaerobic (muscle
strengthening) or agility exercises for your eyes.

Aerobic exercise: is what we’re interested in for eye health. Aerobic
exercise increases your body’s consumption of oxygen. The idea is to
sustain activity so your heart rate increases and stays steady for at
least 20 minutes. Aerobic exercise leads to good blood circulation and
oxygen in‐take. It also helps keep your weight in the normal range
which reduces the risk of diabetes and its effect on the eyes called
diabetic retinopathy. Good aerobic exercise includes swimming,

biking, hockey, basketball, running or skating.
Yoga for Eyes | Eye Exercises to Improve Eyesight Naturally, Exercising for Healthier Eyes Yoga for Eyes | Eye Exercises to Improve Eyesight Naturally, Exercising for Healthier Eyes Reviewed by Unknown on 07:37 Rating: 5

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